Apple Macbook Air Liquid Damage Repair in Guwahati

Apple Macbook Air Liquid Damage Repair in Guwahati Apple Macbook Air Liquid Damage Repair in Guwahati Apple Macbook Air Liquid Damage Repair in Guwahati

Why booking your computer with liquid spillage with some  which will take ages to look at it.  We can service your liquid damage computer within 24 hours to prevent it from further damage and stop it components from short circuits

Drinking can be injurious to your health and sometimes to your laptop as well. One of our customers while drinking spilled it on the laptop. The laptop was Macbook Air A1466. The customer tried to clean it up and tried to dry it. And after sometime the customer powered it on without knowing that the liquid might be inside. The laptop turned on for a while and then it suddenly turned off.

The customer bought the laptop to our service centre today and explained the whole story. We booked the laptop and diagnosed we found there was liquid inside.

It is very important in the case of liquid damage to clean it as soon as possible. Turn it off and if possible remove the battery. This will save it from short-circuits in the laptop. It would be recommendable to go a professional service centre to get it diagnosed and get it clean. This will save the life of the computer.

If you need such kind of service the same day why not choose We Computing. Our expert engineers can take care of it very easily.

Categories: iFix Guwahati Macbook


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